September / 17 / 2014
Speedback GT Embarks on a Tour of Europe
In true grand tourer style, Speedback will be touring the continent from 17th September to 4th October 2014.
The journey will see the car visit the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and France before returning to the UK.
You can follow Speedback’s journey by checking back to this page to see its locations, or by following us on social media:
Twitter: @davidbrownautos
Facebook: /davidbrownautomotive
We invite potential customers to contact us via our website to book an appointment to view the car.
Speedback can be found on the following dates in these locations:
18th – 20th September: Hilton Apollolaan 138, 1077 BG, Amsterdam the Netherlands
21st-22nd September: Breidenbacher Hof, Königsallee 11, Düsseldorf 40212, Germany
23rd September: Sofitel Hamburg, Alter Wall 40, Hamburg 20457, Germany
24th – 25th September: Ritz Carlton, Potsdamer Platz 3, Berlin 10785, Germany
26th – 27th September: Hotel Bayerischer Hof, Promenadeplatz 2-6, 80333 München, Germany
28th September: Brenners Park Hotel, Schillerstraße 4-6, 76530 Baden-Baden, Germany
29th – 30th September: The Dolder Grand Hotel, Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland
1st October: Hotel d’Angleterre, Quai du Mont Blanc 17, Geneva, 1201, Switzerland
2nd October: Hotel d’Angleterre, Quai du Mont Blanc 17, Geneva, 1201, Switzerland
3rd October – 4th October: Hotel L’Assiette Champenoise, 40 Avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 51430 Reims, France
If you would like an idea of the exact times Speedback can be found in these locations, please contact us via the contact forms on our website.
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